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Objective to become love itself.

February 14, 2023

The potential to bridge the gap between oneself and another is one kind of relationship that can only be found in the human realm of spiritual growth. True love is a cherishing of the dignity and worth of another spirit. Those relationships are sometimes fulfilled within human life and sometimes remain unfulfilled. You are loved, but you must take in that reality, and in consciously taking that in, the soul is strengthened to become loving. The objective of becoming loving is to evolve and become love itself. It is becoming the Spirit Center. It is becoming the embodiment of the God that you recognize as a loving force.

You may act out lovingly toward others and yet not see a direct consequence of that love. From that disrupted vision comes the experience of impatience and judgment, impatience because there is no commitment to the reality that love offered is love received. The impatience is the frustration of not living that belief.

Impatience is in many ways seen as the opposite of love. You can be impatient with another, and that impatience may be part of your loving another or it may stand in the way, but the impatience, that sense of lack of fulfillment, does not in itself contribute to your growth or the growth of another. Rather than be impatient, believe that the love that was offered was always received, even when you cannot recognize the effects of that receipt. It has been offered and has been received.

Objective to become love itself.

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